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Peak Performance Instead of Downtime: How to Improve Your Productivity with the KUPER Service Agreement

Written by Heinrich KUPER | 9. May 2024

According to a study by Siemens subsidiary Senseye, unplanned downtime in the industry worldwide costs approximately $1.5 trillion USD annually. Across all sectors, downtime is one of the greatest economic risks for manufacturing. 

The principle of "small cause, big effect" applies: In an increasingly interconnected and process-optimized production environment, even the failure of a single, seemingly insignificant machine can negatively affect the entire value chain and, in the worst case, bring it to a complete stagnation. The consequences go far beyond the directly calculable production downtime: downtime means production loss and, potentially, revenue loss if demand cannot be met. 

At the same time, labor costs and costs for subcontracted services continue in the event of production downtime and may even increase if overtime is required to compensate. Additional costs are incurred for repair until full production is resumed. Furthermore, the intangible damage caused by production downtime is immense. Even a significant slowdown in production represents a burden and long-term risk for affected companies. Customers who cannot be served lose trust and switch to competitors. Repeated production difficulties harm the company's image overall with all relevant stakeholders.

Intelligent Maintenance Management: Prevention is Better than Cure

The best strategy for dealing with the risk of production downtime is to prevent it wherever possible. With KUPER, you choose a partner who places the greatest emphasis on reliability, durability, and fail-safety right from the development stage of new woodworking and packaging machines. With an optimal combination of established quality consciousness and a sense for trends and new technologies, we always develop new machines with consideration for aspects of easy maintenance, such as good accessibility.

With our new service packages, we complement this product quality and provide you with peace of mind, knowing that you are not only optimally protected against failures but can also rely on professional support in the event of unplanned downtime to minimize downtime.

Our customized service packages include not only planned maintenance and upkeep of your facilities but also premium support by our service technicians via chat, (video) call, or on-site visits. Our spare parts, maintenance, or wear parts package guarantees additional security and efficiency in dealing with unexpected failures. We create important foundations for permanently smooth operation by documenting the current maintenance status and awarding quality seals. Additionally, you benefit from attractive flat rate offers and exclusive discounts on KUPER original spare parts.

KUPER Service: Maintenance management offers more than just damage minimization

With a KUPER Service Agreement, you ensure that in the event of production downtime, everything possible is done to minimize the downtime and associated damage. However, as part of maintenance management, the KUPER service packages start earlier: Efficient planning and organization of maintenance and upkeep measures improve predictability, reduce production downtime due to unavoidable, planned interruptions, and thus further increase your productivity.

As a competent solution provider for the woodworking industry, KUPER provides comprehensive support. Whether it's a high-performance standard or a custom engineered machine: we will support you from installation and commissioning through to long-term maintenance and servicing, including all the services required to minimize unplanned downtime. 

For a detailed overview of the available services in the KUPER Service Agreement, please visit our service page